Please Note: The following Drop Codes were extracted from SonicOS Enhanced -14n firmware version. This article provides a list of the Module-ID and Drop-Code numbers along with their meanings. The Drop-Code field provides a reason why the appliance dropped a particularpacket. The Module-ID field provides information on the specific area of the firewall (UTM) appliance'sfirmware that handled a particular packet. When viewing output on the System > Packet Capture page, there are two fields that display potentially useful diagnosticinformation in numeric format.
Ncp secure entry client dropping connection code#
Copy URL The link has been copied to clipboardĮxplanation of Drop code and Module-ID Values in Packet Capture Output (SonicOS Enhanced firmware) Resolution.Content Filtering Client Control access to unwanted and unsecure web content.Capture Client Stop advanced threats and rollback the damage caused by malware.Cloud Firewall (NS v) Next-generation firewall capabilities in the cloud.Cloud App Security Visibility and security for Cloud Apps.